ERP is used to streamline  back-end processes and focuses on minimizing costs by increasing accuracy in forecasting. CRM is used to streamline  front-end processes and focuses on profit maximization by selling more.


ERP Entertains a wide range of functions and departments in an organization including accounts, human resources, supply chain, procurement, etc. CRM is Customer-centric and most of its processes revolve around improving and enhancing sales procedures.


ERP integrates back-end processes and tools like plant management, account management, etc. CRM is used to integrate customer-related activities like email marketing, and email design for automated email campaigns.


ERP is used to maximize the efficiency of a company's processes, e.g. speeding up the production processes, inventory management, generating automated reports, etc. CRM is used to develop and retain friendly relationships with customers. It helps in attaining new customers and selling more services to existing customers.


ERP systems cost a lot more than CRM, as they provide a vast range of functionalities in comparison to the ERP. It provides more opportunities for customization which results in increased cost of implementation and execution as well. CRM costs far less than an ERP because its services are mostly limited to the customer aspect only.


ERP is more beneficial to  large-scale organizations and yields more benefits for them. CRM is usually used by  small and medium-scale companies and benefits them more.


ERP Eliminates redundant tasks, automates manual processes, and synchronizes data across departments. CRM Provides a unified picture of your customers based on previous interactions, online and offline.


ERP Helps to get important business insight that gives a clear picture of your company's strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities. CRM is not suitable for gaining insight into a company's overall or backend operations.